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Amanda MacArthur

How to Live a Zero-Waste Lifestyle

Updated: Sep 15

Here at The Highland Weigh, in our lovely corner of Nairn, I often find myself considering how we’re all part of something bigger. It’s funny how a small choice—like choosing to use a bamboo toothbrush instead of a plastic one—can connect us all to a larger movement. And if you’re reading this, then you’re already halfway there, thinking about how to live a zero-waste lifestyle, or at least how to reduce your own waste footprint. So, let’s have a chat, and I’ll share some tips that might help you along the way.

1. Think Big, Start Small

I always say, it doesn’t have to be huge changes all at once. Sometimes, it’s about the little things we do daily that add up. It could be as simple as carrying a reusable bag when you pop out to our shop or deciding to refill an old jar instead of buying something new.

2. Shop Locally, Support Your Neighbours

When you shop locally, especially at places like The Highland Weigh, you’re not just buying goods; you’re supporting your community. Plus, you avoid all that unnecessary plastic. Next time you visit, bring along those old jars and containers collecting dust in your cupboards, and let’s fill them with goodies together. Every little bit helps, and it’s a great excuse to have a chat with your neighbours about what they’re up to in their own zero-waste journeys.

3. Reduce Food Waste: A Community Effort

As a community, we waste so much food! It’s something we can change, and it starts right at home. Plan your meals, use up those leftovers, and buy only what you need. That’s why we’re here, after all—to help you buy the right amount of what you need, whether it’s a pinch of spice or a handful of pasta. Let’s swap recipes, share tips, and keep each other motivated. Together, we can turn the tide on food waste!

4. Make it a Group Effort

We’re in this together, and that’s what makes our community so special. Maybe next time you’re at The Highland Weigh, you’ll overhear a conversation about new ways to use citrus peels (yes, we’ve got some great ideas for those!), or you might get inspired by someone’s story about reducing their household waste. We’re all learning from each other, and that’s what makes this journey so rewarding.

5. Get Involved with Community Events

Have you heard about our Climate Café? It’s one of my favourite things we’ve started. It’s a chance to gather with friends and neighbours, have a cuppa, and chat about ways we can all live more sustainably. There’s something special about sitting down with people who share your values and just talking. You never know what new idea or tip you’ll walk away with, and it’s a great way to feel more connected the world we’re all trying to protect.

6. Reuse, Refill, Repeat

I love a good DIY project, and I bet you do too! There’s something so satisfying about finding a new use for an old item. Maybe it’s turning an old t-shirt into a tote bag or finding a way to reuse a glass jar. It’s all about being creative and having a bit of fun with it. Plus, it’s a great way to involve the kids or grandkids in something meaningful.

7. Celebrate Our Successes

Did you know that, since we opened, our little shop and all of you have helped save over 45,000 pieces of plastic from ending up in landfills? It’s true, and it’s something we should all be proud of. Every time you choose to refill rather than buy new, you’re making a difference. So, here’s to many more milestones ahead!

Join Us at The Highland Weigh

Living a zero-waste lifestyle isn’t about being perfect. It’s about making conscious choices, one step at a time, and supporting each other along the way. So, pop by The Highland Weigh next time you’re out and about. Let’s have a natter, fill up some jars, and keep moving towards a more sustainable future—together.

See you soon!


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